- 01
All drivers and passengers are required to adhere to any and all COVID-19 requirements or guidelines, including those related to exhibiting symptoms, getting tested, isolation, travel restrictions, distancing, masks and hygiene.
- 02
Drivers must follow good hygiene practices including regular hand washing and covering their mouth when they sneeze.
- 03
Masks are required for all drivers and passengers at this time.
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Windows should be kept open as much as possible to increase ventilation and air conditioning/heating should not be set to recirculate.
- 05
Drivers will be required to sanitize the passenger area between customers with a focus on frequently touched surfaces such as seats, arm rests, seat belts, window/lock buttons and barriers/windows. This should occur immediately after the passenger has left the vehicle.
- 06
Disinfecting products, such as wipes or hand sanitizer, will be available in all vehicles for the driver and passenger use. Garbage bags will be made available within reach of the driver and passenger.
- 07
For delivery services, where possible, drivers will drop packages at the door or outside buildings and avoid contact with customers. Confirmation of delivery will be made by phone/text/email.
- 08
Any driver or passenger that has concerns about COVID-19 safety or communicable disease prevention will be encouraged to contact Coastal Rides management.